General Child Care

  • The General Child Care Program, funded by the California Department of Education's Child Development Division, is a wrap-around child care program for children from income eligible families that provides quality child care for preschool and kindergarten through fifth grade students before and/or after school. The General Child Care Program offers child care that supports the social emotional development and school-day instruction of each child. Weekly activities are designed around the Preschool Foundations and/or K-5 Common Core Standards in fun and interactive activities that encourage critical thinking, cooperation and creativity. The General Child Care program operates year round adhering to the K-12 school holidays and a short Winter Break.

    Who Do We Serve?

    • Three Year Olds
    • Four Year Olds
    • After-School Care for Kindergarten - Fifth Grade

    Who Qualifies?

    • Families who are income eligible (Based on number of family members and gross income earned).
    • Full-time students who are studying for a specific vocational goal
    • Those who are currently unemployed and are seeking employment
    • Parents seeking permanent housing
    • Parental Incapacity