Work Permits

  • What is a work permit and where can I get one?

    A work permit is a legal document required by the state of California that allows a person under 18 years of age to hold a job. You may get a work permit from South Hills High School. There are four steps in obtaining a work permit:

    1. Obtain a work permit application from Mrs. Courtney Greenhagen ( or Download the Work Permit Application
      • Fill out the personal information at the top of the application
      • Get your prospective employer to fill out the information required in the middle portion
      • Have a parent or guardian sign the bottom portion of the application.
    2. Email the completed work permit application to Mrs. Greenhagen ( where the work permit will be processed. Please allow 24-48 hours for processing of the work permit.
    3. Mrs.Greenhagen will contact you once your work permit is ready for pick-up
    4. Bring the completed work permit back to the prospective employer. 

    Students under the age of eighteen (18) must have a work permit on file with the school and their employer.

    The GPA requirement for obtaining a work permit at South Hills HS is 2.0 and students must have positive attendance (95% or higher).

    Young Workers Health and Safety Information

    This site contains the basics about young worker health and safety for both teens and parents and has a link to a downloadable fact sheet "Are You A Working Teen?" in both English and Spanish.

    Please visit the Young Workers Website for more information.