Compassion, Creativity, Determination, Integrity, Responsibility, Teamwork
Compassion by:
- Appreciating diversity in class by demonstrating tolerance and an open mind
- Learning and understanding different worldviews and cultures
- Being self-aware and demonstrating behavior that is respectful
Students who demonstrate Creativity by:
- Solving problems in innovative ways
- Showing their creativity through various projects and presentations
- Performing in various art programs such as band, drama, choir, writing, art, engineering, etc
Students who demonstrate Determination by:
- Persevering through failures and struggles
- Completing rigorous high school curriculum successfully
- Showing resilience in extracurricular activities
Students who demonstrate Integrity by:
- Accepting responsibility for their actions
- Being honest about their learning needs, behavior, and performance with staff
Students who demonstrate Responsibility by:
- Completing goals and responsibilities they set out for themselves
- Being earnest in the work they complete and honest about their motivations and ability
Students who demonstrate Teamwork by:
- Working together towards common goals related to class work and school activities
- Working together in diverse student groups