How do I register for Academic Classes?

  • 1. Come to the main office at our Pioneer Center, located at 160 N. Barranca Avenue, Covina CA 91723 (Google Maps link), or call (626) 974-4200 for enrollment information.

    2. You must be at least 18 years of age unless you are a concurrently enrolled high school student.

    3. For our High School Diploma Program only: provide a sealed official transcript. This is not required for GED prep, ASVAB, TOEFL, Citizenship, or enrichment classes.

    4. Meet with our academic school counselor for an academic plan.

    5. Get your class schedule and head to our Study Center for an orientation.

    6. Take the CASAS Math and English assessment and begin your classes.

    Still have questions? Please call us at (626) 974-4200. Our regular office hours are Monday-Friday 8:00AM - 4:00PM.