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Color Guard Terminology
Auxiliary: Another term for the color guard. This term is often used in the marching band setting to describe the visual ensemble which may include color guard but which also may include other visual performers such as a dance team, baton twirlers or pom poms. The term Auxiliary covers visual ensembles which may or may not include all of these types of visual performers.
Air Flag: Working without equipment.
Blade: Part of the sabre that, if it were a real sword, would be sharp
Blade Toss: Right-handed tosses on sabre that are thrown and caught from the blade
Bolt: Screw-like weight some guards use to weight flags
Butt: Larger end of a rifle
Cattle Guard: When a guard doesn’t use enough of a plie (plee-ay) when doing dance or across the floors and sounds like a herd of cattle
Chasse: (shaw-say) Dance move: right-left-right or left-right-left
Crutch Tip: Rubber stopper on each end of a flag
Double Time: 2 steps for each beat
Drill: Formations and where a performer moves to on the floor
Drop Spin: The most basic spin where one grabs thumbs up thumbs down, and always under the other hand
Flag: Most basic piece of equipment
Flag Feature: When the whole guard is on flag; a key point of the show
Half Toss: Most basic flag toss
Hilt: The handle of a sabre
Jete: (jet-ay) a dance move where one jumps from one foot to the other with a sweeping motion
Parallel Toss: Toss that rotates parallel to the ground over the head. Can be done with flag, rifle, or sabre
Peggys: Basic spin where one grabs down, flat, up, flat, always grabbing over the other hand
Pique: (pee-kay) a turn in which one steps onto a pointed foot while the other foot is raised to the knee
Pirouette: (peer-o-wet) a turn where one spins fully around on a pointed foot
Plié: (plee-ay) used in dance, downward bending movement of both knees
Pole: Metal part of the flag
Releve: To rise onto the balls of one's feet
Rifle: Prop weapon that looks like a gun, but is really only a piece of wood with a piece of plastic and leather attached
Sabre: Prop weapon that looks like a sword, not sharp
Saute: (soh-tay) a dance leap where one lands on the same foot
Silk: Part of the flag made out of silk or other light material
Spotting: A technique to help dancers maintain a straight line and prevent dizziness while spinning. When turning, the dancer picks a spot and follows it until their turn takes that spot out of sight. They then whip their head around to bring that same spot back into view as quickly as possible. This action is repeated for the duration of turns/spins.
Strap: Leather strap on a rifle
Tape: Refers to the tape at the middle of the pole holding the bottom of the silk on
Tip: Smaller end of a rifle, or the non-hilt end of a sabre
Turn Out: To rotate one's leg outward from the hip
Washer: Weights in a flag