• Economics

    Mr. Hoang

    Course Description:

    Over the course of the next 10 months, we will be learning about different Economic systems throughout the world, with a concentration on the American economy. Most importantly, students will learn to be financially independent young adults through concepts such as building and maintaining credit, taxes, banking, etc.


    Students will complete this course and walk away with a better knowledge of how our economy functions. They will be able to apply what they have learned to real life situations and make practical decisions.

    Course Plan:

    Students will be taught in a multitude of ways including direct instruction, reading, PowerPoint presentations, as well as collaborating with fellow students in group projects/discussions. Students will be given a quiz at the end of every week as a barometer for their learning and production in class.


    50% of a student’s letter grade will come by way of their classroom assignments, with the other 50% coming from their quizzes and tests. In addition to student motivation and determination, the following characteristics will be very vital to success in this class.

    1. Exceptional attendance
    2. Answering questions
    3. Consistent positive behavior
    4. Bonus questions answered correctly after quizzes and tests

    Classroom Policies:

    It is very simple to excel in this class. All a student needs to do is put effort into their work, be respectful to me and their fellow students, and be productive. Students need to be mature young adults and take their learning seriously.


    Students must keep their cellphones out of sight throughout their time in class, unless permitted by the teacher. Warnings will be given out if a student is using their phone without permission. If a student continues to use their phone without permission after these warnings, the teacher will then have the phone turned in to the office. Students will have to wait until after school to pick up their phone.

    Grade Breakdown:

    98-100% A+
    94-97% A
    90-93% A-
    87-89% B+
    83-86% B
    80-82% B-
    77-79% C+
    73-76% C
    70-72% C-
    67-69% D+
    63-66% D
    60-62% D-
    0-59% F (This will result
    in 0 credits)

    Download Economics Syllabus[PDF]