• World History

    Mr. Rodgers

    Course Description:

    Students study major turning points that shaped the modern world, from the late eighteenth century through the present, including the cause and course of the two world wars. They trace the rise of democratic ideas and develop an understanding of the historical roots of current world issues, especially as they pertain to international relations. They extrapolate from the American experience that democratic ideals are often achieved at a high price, remain vulnerable, and are not practiced everywhere in the world. Students develop an understanding of current world issues and relate them to their historical, geographic, political, economic, and cultural contexts. Students consider multiple accounts of events in order to understand international relations from a variety of perspectives. Required course of study for 10 credits.

    Learning Objectives:

    Students will develop and utilize a skill set that includes the following:

    • Critical thinking
    • Communication
    • Creativity
    • Collaboration
    • Analyze primary and secondary resources
    • Analyze multiple perspectives of a person, situation, event, era, etc.
    • Utilize technology for research and presentations of learning

    Learning Experiences:

    A variety of instructional strategies are utilized to effectively support all learners. Students are engaged in activities, projects, presentations, research, visual presentations, close readings, observations of documentaries, guest speakers, utilization of graphic organizers and classroom discussions. Reading, writing, listening and speaking are at the foundation of all learning experiences.

    Behavioral Objectives:

    Students are empowered to self-monitor their own individual behavior in order to maximize their learning opportunities. The classroom expectations are focused on respect, following directions and for each person to always do their best and be at their best. Classroom rules are to be followed at all times.

    Projected Timeline & Units of Study:

    First Six-Week Block:

    • Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations - Philosophy, Law, Religion, and Culture
    • Political Revolutions in England, America and France - Self Government and Individual Liberty

    Second Six-Week Block:

    • Industrial Revolution in England, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States - Impact and Changes
    • Imperialism in China, India and Latin America - Cause(s) and Effect(s)

    Third Six-Week Block:

    • World War I - Cause(s), Course and Effect(s)

    Fourth Six-Week Block:

    • Totalitarian Governments Following World War I
    • World Economy
    • Cultural Impact

    Fifth Six-Week Block:

    • World War II - Cause(s), Course and Effect(s)
    • The Holocaust

    Sixth Six-Week Block:

    • International Developments in the Post World War II Era - Cold War
    • Nation Building in the Contemporary World - China, Middle East, and Africa
    • Integration of Countries - World Economy, Technology, Communication, and Revolutions

    Course Grading:

    A student’s overall six-week course grade will be calculated at 80% derived from all classwork and 20% derived from all assessments. All classwork and standards based assessments are required and must be completed.

    Grading Scale for All Classwork & Each Six Week Grading Period:

    95-100% A
    90-94% A-
    87-89% B+
    84-86% B
    80-83% B-
    77-79% C+
    74-76% C
    70-73% C-
    67-69% D+
    64-66% D
    60-63% D-
    0-59% F (This will result
    in 0 credits)

    Make-up Policy

    A student will be given the opportunity to make-up assignments and tests for an absence of a serious nature , illness, funeral, family emergency, but not for a truancy or a student’s decision to not do work when originally given the opportunity in class. It is a student’s responsibility to follow-up with the teacher and complete all work/tests within 3 days of the original absence. It is imperative that each student takes ownership of their grade through their dedication, quality of work and focus.

    Download World History Syllabus[PDF]