Get your PTA Membership today

  • Join Grovecenter PTA Membership $ 7.00 per member.

    2021/2022 membership is available online for $ 8.00


    Join Grovecenter PTA


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    We would like to continue these traditions, and more; however we need the help of every family in order to make these events successful! Grovecenter needs to raise 600 members. That membership is not only for students; but parents, guardians & grandparents can also join.

    Joining the PTA shows your support for our school and your child’s education.

    By joining the PTA, you are not obligated to volunteer, but any volunteer work is very much appreciated.

    strong PTA equals a strong school! Please register online or send your membership to your child’s teacher.


    If applying online a $1.00 online fee per membership will apply.
    Join Grovecenter PTA Online fees may apply online,

    Questions? Please contact via Email:

    VP of Memberships - Perla Rardin at