Vision Statement


    Mission: Everyone involved at Merwin believes that the academic potential of each student is tremendous. We refuse to accept difficult challenges that confront some students as excuses for poor learning. We know that one of the greatest predictors of life success is educational success. Therefore, we are committed to creating a school that knows no limits to the academic success of each student.

    Shared Commitment

    The teachers at Merwin pledge to:

    • Accept no limits on the learning potential of any child
    • Meet the individual learning needs of each child
    • Create serious classroom learning environments
    • Treat students, parents, and colleagues with courtesy and respect
    • Hold students, parents, and each other to the highest standards of performance
    • Collaborate regularly with colleagues to seek and implement more effective strategies for helping each child achieve his or her academic potential
    • Do whatever it takes - go the extra mile - to ensure that every student achieves or exceeds grade-level academic expectations 

    Goal: Every student, without exception and without excuse, will demonstrate grade-level proficiency in reading, language, and mathematics.