Title 1 School-Parent Involvement Policy

  • In the fall, an annual meeting will be held to share with parents a description of the Title I program and its requirements. Ben Lomond Elementary will provide a flexible number of meetings to allow for parent involvement. These monthly meetings will be scheduled by the school in a variety of language groups.

    Topics covered during the meetings include:

    • Improving communication between the school and home.
    • Providing information about school and district resources for student academic improvement.
    • Evaluating the effectiveness of the school’s parent involvement policy to increase parent participation in Title I activities.
    • Conferencing with teachers.
    • Providing training programs to help parents support and work with their children at home and at school.
    • Advocating for teachers and parents.
    • Valuing cultural diversity.

    Parental input from the parent meetings and training sessions will be shared with the School Site Council (SSC) to provide an organized, ongoing, timely way of involving parents in the planning, review, and improvement of the program.

    The school-wide parent newsletter is sent home informing parents/community of all meetings of interest. For special meetings, targeted language groups receive notice in their language. Every attempt is made to communicate with parents in their primary language.

    During parent meetings, opportunities will be offered for suggestions. Responses to the suggestions will be reviewed in a timely fashion, if possible, by the next scheduled meeting. Topics that are appropriate for SSC review/action will be placed on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting by the school administration.