Parking Lot Procedures

  • Parking Lot Procedures

    Morning Parking Lot Procedures

    Grovecenter Parking Lot Morning Drop-Off

    Guide for Parents

    F Building = When dropping off your student in the morning, please let them off in front of the F-Building. Students can then walk on the sidewalk to the entrance of the school.

    • Do not drop students off directly next to the office entrance as this backs up traffic in the parking lot and in the street. Please pull forward to the F-Building and let your child off there.
    • Please do not drop off your student and watch them walk to the gate. This causes a traffic build-up and the cars behind you cannot move forward.
    • We have closed the North Crosswalk in the mornings in order for traffic to flow through.

    Thank you for pulling forward and helping us keep the flow of traffic safe and efficient in our parking lot.


    Grovecenter Parking Lot Dismissal

    Safety Guide for Parents

    A = Parent Pick-Up The area in front of the flagpole is for parents to pick up students by foot. Parents must park their car in a stall, on Lark Ellen, or on Badillo and meet their child here. We DO NOT load students into cars in this area, as it backs up traffic and creates a hazard.

    B = Student Loading This area is where students are loaded into cars. Students will stand under the trees and watch the parking lot for their car. There SHOULD NOT be parents waiting in this area or by the gates. We need clear visibility of students who need to be loaded into cars.

    C = Buses/Daycare Vans This area in the back is for buses, daycare vans and students who exit the school through the back to walk home. Parents may walk and meet their student at the back gate, but please do not stand in front of the gate or on the sidewalk blocking student lines as they load buses.

    *Parents-it is extremely important that you and your student develop a clear plan for dismissal so that your child knows where to meet you. If the plan has to change, feel free to call the school and we will notify your child if someone else is picking them up or if they should wait for you in a different area.

    *Please do not stand next to the gates and call your child over at dismissal. We are teaching our students not to talk to adults through the gates. Please meet your child in the Parent Pick-Up Area by the flagpole when you are on foot.