- Covina-Valley Unified School District
- Credentials FAQ
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Credentials FAQ
How far in advance can I renew my credential?
You may renew your credential within one year of its expiration date.Can I renew after the expiration date?
Yes, you can but you should not. You will not be paid for any time you worked without a credential. The Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) does not backdate credentials.How do I renew my credential?
Go to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing Website (www.ctc.ca.gov) and click on the box marked “Online Services for Agencies.” You may then enter your social security number and your date of birth. Review your personal information for accuracy. You can change information at that time. Click on the box marked “next” and find the credential you need to renew. Complete the questions, pay for the credential and print your receipt to complete the process.How do I change my name with the District?
In order to change your name, please call C-VUSD’s Personnel office for a Personal Information Form. You will need to turn the form in to Personnel in person with your new social security card verifying your new legal name.How do I change my name with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)?
In order to change your name with the CTC, go to the educator’s page on the Commission on Teacher Credentialing website (www.ctc.ca.gov) and input your social security number and date of birth. The next page is where you can enter all needed changes such as name, address, email, and phone number.Will the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) send me a copy of my credential?
No, the CTC does not send copies of credentials. You may print a copy at the Commission on Teacher Credentialing Website (www.ctc.ca.gov)Do I still need to provide the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) verification of professional growth requirements when renewing? No, the only time the CTC requires professional growth documentation is if you are the holder of a Child Development Permit. Otherwise, the Commission will no longer be requesting verification of professional growth requirements (including clock hours and days of service) when renewing your teaching or services credentials.