Medication Information

  • Information About Medications at school

    Regulations Regarding Student Medications

    No student shall be given medication during school hours except upon written request from their parent or guardian and a licensed physician who has the responsibility for the medical management of the student (Education Code Section 49423).

    Medication includes all pills, drops, inhalants, lotions, ointments, and injections.

    School personnel, if authorized by the administrator and trained by the school nurse, may assist students who must take prescribed medication during school hours through use of the following procedures:

    1. The “Request For Medication To Be Taken During School Hours” Form must be completed by the student’s physician, signed by the parent or guardian, and filed with the school administrator. This request must be renewed each school year. If the medication program is changed, a new request form must be submitted.

    2. The medication must be in the original prescription container, clearly labeled with the following information:

      1. Student’s full name

      2. Physician’s name and telephone number

      3. Name of medication, dosage, time schedule, dose form, and adverse effects

      4. Date of prescription expiration

    3. No more than a 5 day supply of any medication is to be kept at school.

    4. Non-prescription (over the counter) medications that have been authorized by this request, may be administered at school only if the medication is provided in the original container.

    5. Requests for Medication to be Taken During School Hours must be renewed annually

    6. Parent/Guardian will notify the school nurse or site administrator and provide a new Request for Medication to Be Taken During School Hours when there is a change in the student’s medication, health status or authorized health care provider

    7. Each medication requires a separate written authorization.

    8. The school administrator or the administrator’s designee will assume responsibility for placing the medication in a locked cabinet, storage unit or locked refrigerator.

    Students may carry and self-administer certain medications (e.g. inhaled asthma medication or auto-injectable epinephrine medication) if the school district receives the appropriate documentation. This includes the following

    1. The “Consent to Self-Administer Medications During School Hours” Form must be completed by the student’s physician, signed by the parent or guardian, and filed with the school administrator. This request must be renewed each school year. If the medication program is changed, a new request form must be submitted.

    2. The medication must be in the original prescription container, clearly labeled with the following information:

      1. Student’s full name

      2. Physician’s name and telephone number

      3. Name of medication, dosage, time schedule, dose form, and adverse effects

      4. Date of prescription expiration

    Please use the following link for Medical Forms.