- Covina-Valley Unified School District
- Annual Parent Notification Guide
Student Services
Page Navigation
- Overview
- 504 Plans
- Annual Parent Notification Guide
- Attendance
- California Healthy Kids Survey
- Discipline
- Bullying Prevention
- Sexual Harassment
- District of Choice Information
- HIV/AIDS and Human Growth and Development Training
- Home/Hospital Program
- McKinney-Vento Act/Homeless Education Program
- Military Opt Out Form
- Permits
- Rights of Foster Children
- Safe Schools
- Work Permits
The Annual Parent Notification document is designed to notify parents/guardians and students of their rights and responsibilities per California Education Code (Section 48982) and District Board Policies (BP) and Administrative Regulations (AR).
A letter requesting that you access this document electronically is mailed to all parents/guardians and students in the summer, prior to the start of school.
The Annual Notification includes information on the following:
- Residency & Open Enrollment
- Harassment/Bullying
- Prohibited Items
- Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting
- School Visiting Guidelines
- Cooperation with Law Enforcement
- Suspension and Expulsion (BP/AR 5144.1)
- Immunizations (Health Code, Title 17, Chapter 4, Section 6000)
- District Expectations Regarding Attendance (AR 5113)
- Access to Student Records (EC 49063)
- Identification of Individuals for Special Education (BP 6164.4)
- Student and Parent Privacy Rights (AR 5022)
- Uniform Complaint Procedures
- Release of Information to the Military
- and much more.
Click the links below to access additional information and a complete list of school laws relating to the rights and responsibilities of parents or legal guardians of minor students.