HIV/AIDS and Human Growth and Development Training

  • HIV/AIDS Instruction

    The California Education Code mandates that students receive education in HIV/AIDS within the schools. Covina-Valley has just recently implemented a new HIV/AIDS curriculum and provided training to teachers.

    Education Code 51934

    (a) A school district shall ensure that all pupils in grades 7-12, inclusive, receive HIV/AIDS prevention education from instructors trained in the appropriate courses. Each pupil shall receive this instruction at least once in junior high or middle school and at least once in high school.

    Implementation in Covina-Valley Unified School District

    1. Students in Covina-Valley Unified School District will receive HIV/AIDS instruction during either their Science or Physical Education classes in the 7th grade and in their Physical Education classes in the 9th grade.
    2. Life Skills students will receive their HIV/AIDS instruction in the Life Skills class.
    3. The curriculum used will be the Positive Prevention: HIV/STD Prevention Education for California Youth which is published by The American Red Cross.

    All teachers have been trained in the laws regarding HIV/AIDS and the curriculum used in C-VUSD

    Education Code 51935

    1. A school district shall cooperatively plan and conduct in-service training for all school district personnel that provide HIV/AIDS prevention education, through regional planning, joint powers agreement, or contract services.
    2. In developing and providing in-service training, a school district shall cooperate and collaborate with the teachers of the district who provide HIV/AIDS prevention education and with the State Department of Education.
    3. In-service training shall be conducted periodically to enable school district personnel to learn new developments in the scientific understanding of HIV/AIDS. In-service training shall be voluntary for school district personnel who have demonstrated expertise or received in-service training from the State Department of Education or federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    What are teachers required to cover?

    Education Code 51934

    1. Information on the nature of HIV/AIDS and its effects on the human body.
    2. Information on the manner in which HIV is and is not transmitted, including information on activities that present the highest risk of HIV infection.
    3. Discussion of methods to reduce the risk of HIV infection. This instruction shall emphasize that sexual abstinence, monogamy, the avoidance of multiple sexual partners, and abstinence from intravenous drug use are the most effective means for HIV/AIDS prevention, but shall also include statistics based on the latest medical information citing the success and failure rates of condoms and other contraceptives in preventing sexually transmitted HIV infection, as well as information on other methods that may reduce the risk of HIV transmission from intravenous drug use. 
    4. Discussion of the public health issues associated with HIV/AIDS.
    5. Information on local resources for HIV testing and medical care. 
    6. Development of refusal skills to assist pupils in overcoming peer pressure and using effective decision-making skills to avoid high-risk activities.
    7. Discussion about societal views on HIV/AIDS, including stereotypes and myths regarding persons with HIV/AIDS. This instruction shall emphasize compassion for persons living with HIV/AIDS.

    Education Codes 51933(b)(4) and 51934(b) requires that instruction be appropriate for use with students of all sexual orientations and clearly states that part of the intent of the law is “to encourage a pupil to develop healthy attitudes concerning adolescent growth and development, body image, gender roles, sexual orientation, dating, marriage, and family.

    Human Growth and Development

    Each year our fifth graders receive instruction in the area of Human Growth and Development. This instruction occurs in the second or third trimester of the year, depending on the school. Prior to the instruction being conducted, a district-wide parent meeting is held to educate parents on the topics that will be discussed within the instruction. All parents of fifth-grade students will receive a letter informing them that instruction will occur and inviting them to the parent meeting.