World Languages

  • The Foreign Language Department currently consists of three Spanish teachers (Mrs. Veronica Cervantes, Ms. MariCarmen Torres, and Astrid Paraspolo), one German teacher (Mr. David Platt), one Chinese teacher (Mr. Kevin Shang) and ASL (Ms. Danyel Peduto and Nicole Cooney.)

    Here at Covina High students are encouraged to take a second language to be diverse.  Standards for the foreign language learner include: communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities.  By communicating in a language other than English, the students will be able to engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, and exchange opinions on a variety of topics.  By learning about other cultures, students will demonstrate an understanding of the cultural  differences that exist in the world.  While learning about other cultures, students will reinforce and further their knowledge while making comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

    The Foreign Language Department at Covina High is designed to encourage students to take a 2nd language to be diverse.  The standards for a foreign language learner include:  communication, culture, connection, comparison, and communities.  By communicating in a language other than English, the students will be able to engage in conversations, provide and obtain information and exchange opinions on a variety of topics.  By learning about other cultures, students will demonstrate an understanding of the cultural differences that exist in the world.  While learning about other cultures, students will reinforce and further their knowledge while making comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.

    The goal of the Foreign Language Department is to instill within the students a sense of pride and confidence in the language and cultures learned so that they will use the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

    Courses Offered

    4550 American Sign Language I P - Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – UC, CSU Year

    This course introduces the student to the fundamentals of American Sign Language (ASL) using the five organizing principles identified by the National Standards in Foreign Language Project. These principles are considered the five C’s of foreign language instruction: communication, culture, connections, comparisons, and communities. The course will teach basic vocabulary, grammar, finger spelling and aspect of Deaf Culture.

    4625 Chinese I P - Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – UC, CSU Year

    Prerequisite: Grade of "B" or recommendation of English teacher.
    Chinese I will introduce students to the language and culture of China and the Chinese-speaking world. Students will develop basic skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing Mandarin Chinese.

    4090 German I P - Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – UC, CSU Year

    Prerequisite: Grade of "B" or recommendation of English teacher.
    German I is a communication based program in which the target language is used to give meaningful information in the classroom through: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Throughout the course culture will be an integral part of the program. This program is designed for the student who has little or no previous knowledge of the German language. Each lesson provides and reinforces: 1) new vocabulary, 2) oral conversation practice, 3) grammar, 4) written and oral practice drills, 5) reading selections, 6) cultural activities, including films, tapes, filmstrips and games.

    4100 German II P - Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – UC, CSU Year

    Prerequisite: Grade of C in German I.
    German II is a communication based program in which the target language is used to exchange meaningful information in the classroom through: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each lesson provides and reinforces: 1) new vocabulary, 2) oral conversation practice, 3) grammar, 4) written and oral practice drills, 5) reading selections, 6) cultural activities, including films, tapes, filmstrips and games.

    4110 German III - Grades 10, 11, 12 - UC, CSU Year

    Prerequisite: Grade of “C” or better in German II.
    German III is a communication-based course in which the target language is used to exchange meaningful information through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each lesson provides and reinforces new vocabulary, oral conversation practice, grammar, written and oral practice drills, reading selections, and cultural activities, including films, computer media, CDs/cassettes, and games.

    120 Advanced Placement (AP) German Language (H) - Grades 11-12 – UC, CSU Year

    Prerequisite: Recommendation from Foreign Language teacher and counselor/approval.
    This course emphasizes the development of communication skills related to the German language-oral, grammar, composition, and literature. Emphasis is placed on acquiring the ability to express oneself, from extemporaneous conversation to the composition of essays on a variety of topics. The curriculum is designed to refine, perfect and enhance these skills as well as to broaden the student’s understanding of German culture. The course will prepare students to take the AP German Examination and make them better prepared for advanced German studies at the college/university level.

    4130 Spanish I (P) - Grades 9, 10, 11, 12—UC, CSU Year

    Prerequisite: "B" in English or English instructor approval.
    Proficient use of the language (understanding, speaking, reading, and writing) is an eventual goal. An oral approach to language learning is used, with ample reading and writing practice. This course fulfills the college requirement for one year of a foreign language at the high school level, as well as the foreign language/fine arts requirement for high school graduation.

    4140 Spanish II (P) - Grades 9, 10, 11, 12—UC, CSU Year

    Prerequisite: "C" in Spanish Level I or instructor approval.
    This course continues the work begun in Spanish Level I, with the increased introduction of reading materials in the second semester while continuing the emphasis on communication skills.

    4150 Spanish III (P) - Grades 10, 11, 12—UC, CSU Year

    Prerequisite: "C" in Spanish Level II or instructor approval.
    This course emphasizes language usage through listening, speaking, reading and writing.

    4270 Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish Language (H) - Grades 11, 12—UC, CSU Year

    Prerequisite: Spanish III.
    This course stresses oral skills, composition and grammar. Emphasis is placed on acquiring the ability to express oneself from extemporaneous conversation-making to the composition of essays. Students must achieve a semester grade of at least a "B" or have the instructor's approval to remain in this course or to enroll in the next course in the sequence.

