Total Program Hours: 184
60 hours of Theory, 36 hours Skill Building and Practice, and 104 Clinical hours
The Certified Nursing Assistant Program prepares students to take the California Nurse Assistant
Competency Exam and to find employment in a skilled nursing or other long-term care facility.
1) Proof of High School Diploma OR High School Diploma Equivalency.
2) Complete physical examination by MD or Nurse Practitioner by the start of CNA class. Must include two step PPD and Flu vaccine.
If TB is positive please obtain Chest X-Ray and submit a copy of the report. Quantiferon blood test is acceptable.
3) Flu and COVID Vaccines ARE required for clinicals (including booster).
4) Students must undergo fingerprinting and background clearance before the start of class.
Cost: Tuition $595, BLS/First Aid Card $96, Book $90, Uniform (2) $165, Black Stethoscope/Black Blood Pressure Cuff $200, 2-Step PPD (app.) $90,
State Competency $120, ID Badge $5, LiveScan $60, Urine Drug Screen $71, Fu Shot $45, Physical Exam $120.
Total Program Cost: $1,657