Athletic Clearances

  • Athletic Clearance Instructions


    Online Athletic Clearance

    1. Watch this quick video on how to clear your student athlete ATHLETIC CLEARANCE HOW TO
    2. Visit the Athletic Clearance Website (Physical should be downloaded on site)
    3. Register. Parents register with valid email username and password. 
      You will be asked to type in a code to verify you are human.
      If this step is skipped your account will not activate.
    4. Login
    5. Select “New Clearance” to start the process
    6. Choose the School Year in which the student plans to participate.
      Example: Football in September 2024 would be the 2024-2025 School Year.
      Choose South Hills High School for the School.
      Choose Sport.
    7. Complete all required fields for Student Information, Educational History, Medical History, and Signature Forms.
      Students must sign their name under “Student.” Parents must sign their name under “Parent.”
    8. Your forms should be scanned and uploaded into the Athletic Clearance website. Do not bring your paperwork to the ASB office. 
    9. Donate to your Athletic Program.  These funds will go directly to the program your son/daughter is participating in.
    10. Once you reach the Confirmation Message you have completed the process.
    11. When the student has been cleared for participation- an email notification will be sent.
      If the student was denied participation- an email notification will also be sent explaining why the student was denied.


    Online Athletic Clearance FAQ

    Multiple Sports

    Once you complete the clearance requirements for one sport, most of the information you have entered will be retained in the system.  To register for an additional sport, select New Clearance, select 2024-2025 School Year, select South Hills, and select sport- most of your information will auto fill.


    The physical form South Hills uses to clear athletes can be downloaded on Step #1 of AthleticClearance.Com


    Download Physical Form