Signs of Suicide Program

  • Traweek Middle School will be participating in the SOS Program, which is used throughout the country in many schools and community health agencies to raise awareness of depression and suicide.  Our goal is to teach the signs and symptoms of depression and help students know what to do when warning signs are recognized. Traweek will be promoting the ACT message standing for Acknowledge, Care, and Tell as a way of reminding us what we should do when we notice individuals displaying key warning signs.  Students and staff will be shown a short training video and given a response card to fill out indicating they understand the videos message. Your participation will be key to raising awareness at our school and within the community. To expand the awareness of these issues throughout the community we have made available the parent portal.

    The administration and staff at Traweek would like to thank you for supporting us in our efforts to maintain a positive and safe school environment.